Trainings for the Community

Self-Compassion in Times of Uncertainty

Here is the first training "Self-Compassion in Times of Uncertainty"Join SCCA's Clinical Director, Gretchen Rees, as she teaches the importance and effectiveness of implementing self-compassion to weather and grow in times of stress and uncertainty.

Self Compassion in Times of Uncertainty from FirstPresATL on Vimeo.

Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy Training

Research indicates that if spirituality is important to your client, it is going to show up in the counseling room. Research also shows, that those counselors equipped to address the spirituality of their client have stronger positive outcomes than counselors who do not incorporate spirituality into the therapeutic process. This training offers a broad overview and practical applications to help therapists confidently address spirituality in therapy.

Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy Training from FirstPresATL on Vimeo.